Before Instructions: Botox Injections

1. Stop all products that contain aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDs,

vitamin E, fish oil, and similar products 10 days before the

procedure. This will decrease your chance of bruising.

Notify us if you are on a blood thinner such as warfarin,

Coumadin, or Plavix. Tylenol is OK to use.

2. Do not schedule important social activities, meetings, etc.,

immediately after the procedure. The majority of patients do

not have any adverse effects from Botox injections;

however, bruising and eyelid droop can occur rarely.

3. Plan in advance. Do not wait until the last minute to get

Botox in preparation for an important event. We recommend

getting Botox 2-4 weeks in advance of any important event.

4. Do your daily workout before your appointment for Botox.

After Instructions: Botox Injections

1. Do not exercise until the next morning.

2. You MUST remain upright for 6 hours. Keep your head as

erect as possible during this time and avoid bending down.

3. Do not wear a hat or headband.

4. Do not rub or irritate the injection sites. This can cause the

Botox to seep into your eyelid and cause a droop. Wash your

face gently. By the next morning, you can resume normal


5. For the next one hour, contract the muscles that were

treated by frowning, raising your eyebrows, smiling, and /or


6. If you have swelling or bruising on your face, apply cool


7. Since everyone is different, your treatment is tailored

specifically for you. We would like to see you back in 2 weeks

for a quick follow up. Any refinements to your dose will be

done at that time at $10 per unit.

Call Dr. Salopek’s office (337.232.1010) for:

Moderate to Severe Bruising





To complete the consent form please visit the "forms" page listed under the "cosmetics" tab 

Contact Information

Acadiana Health & Wellness
155 Hospital Drive Suite #301
Lafayette, LA 70503

P: 337-232-1010

F: 337-234-3591

Office Hours: 
Monday-Thursday   8 am - 5 pm

Friday 8am - 12pm

Phlebotomy Hours:

Monday-Friday   7:30 am - 10:30 am



Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.