Before Instructions: Juvederm Injections
1. Stop all products that contain aspirin, ibuprofen, NSAIDs,
vitamin E, fish oil, and similar products 10 days before the
procedure. This will decrease your chance of bruising.
Notify us if you are on a blood thinner such as warfarin,
Coumadin, or Plavix. Tylenol is OK to use.
2. Do not schedule important social activities, meetings, etc.,
for at least 3 days after the procedure.
3. If you have a history of cold sores, you will need to start an
antiviral medication, Valtrex, 24 hours before the
procedure. Notify us if you do have a history of cold sores
and do not have a prescription for Valtrex.
After Instructions: Juvederm Injections
1. Do not massage or apply pressure on the treated area for 6-8
hours after procedure.
2. Apply cool compresses until the next morning to minimize
bruising and swelling.
3. Minimize mouth motion (chewing, talking) and avoid exercise
for 24 hours to allow the product to set into the tissues.
4. Notify us immediately for a cold sore outbreak. Cold sores
can lead to scarring.
5. Use Tylenol for pain.
6. Do NOT lie down for 6 hours after treatment to avoid the
chance of applying pressure on the treated area.
7. Light make-up and your normal skin care products can be
applied, and the treated area can be gently washed with soap
and water.
8. If you have lumpiness or asymmetry, notify us within 72 hours
of procedure. These areas can be massaged to help smooth
and create symmetry.
Call Dr. Salopek’s office (337.232.1010) for:
Moderate to Severe Bruising
Cold Sores
To complete the consent form please click here.