People with dementia begin to forget things and have problems doing everyday tasks. Here is what you can do to help yourself.

  • Get regular checkups and take your medication as prescribed.
  • Do the activities you like as long as you are able to.
  • Try to stop smoking.
  • Have a plan for emergencies or call 911.
  • Join a support group. The Alzheimer's Association can help.

Contact the Alzheimer's Association Safe Return to get an ID bracelet at 1-888-572-8566.

Ask Your Doctor what medicines may help slow down the dementia.

Ask Your Doctor about day programs that keep you active.

Ask Your Doctor about driving.

Call Your Doctor about medicines you are taking as some could make your symptoms worse.

Call Your Doctor if there are big changes in how you are acting, what you are thinking or if you feel sad.


Taking care of people with dementia is hard. Here is what you can do to help them.

  • Always address the person by name.
  • Create a daily routine by waking up, bathing, dressing, eating and going to bed at the same time each day.
  • Use Velcro closures on clothing. They are easier than buttons and zippers.
  • Create a safe and supportive home. Limit access to dangerous places. Have an even level of light in hallways and rooms. Use night-lights.
  • Try to keep the person from falling or getting hurt. Install grab bars and non-skid strips in the bathroom.
  • Have a list of emergency phone numbers.

Ask The Doctor what stage the person is in and what changes to expect.

Ask The Doctor if all tests were done to be sure dementia is not caused by something that can be fixed or reversed.

Ask The Doctor what medicines to give and how to give medicines.

Ask The Doctor about planning for the future, end of life decisions and hospice care.

Call The Doctor if there are big changes in how the person is acting or thinking.
For more information, go to and search for "Dementia" 
or go to
You can also read more at The Alzeimer's Association.

Contact Information

Acadiana Health & Wellness
155 Hospital Drive Suite #301
Lafayette, LA 70503

P: 337-232-1010

F: 337-234-3591

Office Hours: 
Monday-Thursday   8 am - 5 pm

Friday 8am - 12pm

Phlebotomy Hours:

Monday-Friday   7:30 am - 10:30 am



Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.